HENNING SEIDELIN (1904 – 1987)

Henning Seidelin, a sculptor and designer of silver, steel, porcelain, and faience, is representece in several Danish museums. As a sculptor, is naturalistic groups of figures testify to a marked feeling for mass in space, and some have bold lines that demonstrate his precise instinct for composition. He was awarded the Eckersberg Medal in 1951 and gold medals at the Milan Triennale in 1951 and 1954.

Later, after finding his success as a sculptor, Henning Seidelin became an industrial designer and created classics in cutlery, kitchenware and dinner services, as well as designing furniture, stoves, as well as lamps. Henning Seidelin has produced numerous designs in various mediums for many Danish companies, including porcelain for Royal Copenhagen, steel flatware for Gense (pantry flatware ), and various pieces in silver for Georg Jensen.

( Georg Jensen Silversmithy- 77 Artists, 75 Years)

relief from "the old home" in taastrup in 1930 read morehttp://skulpturguide.dk/skulptur/dagen-og-natten

"spirit sculpture" silkeborg city 100th year's anniversary in 1946, read more http://www.wikisilkeborg.dk/index.php/G%C3%A5sebr%C3%B8nd

more about henning seidelin https://www.kulturarv.dk/mussam/VisSag.action;jsessionid=A054193BB38D70D847C23C19029436EB?sagId=237209