ANTON ROSEN (1859 – 1928)

Anton Rosen was a Danish Architect whose style was greatly influenced by the Art Nouveau movement. Anton Rosen is also the architect of famous buildings in Copenhagen as the Palace Hotel (built 1906 - 1910) and Tuborg administration and laboratory building (built 1912 - 1914) located at Strandvejen in Hellerup. The Palace Hotel is considered one of his finest accomplishments, and to which he personally designed many of the elements, from the wallpapers and furniture down to the luggage tags and keys. He was also the principal architect for the National Exhibition held in Arhus, Denmark, in 1909. In addition to his architectural works, he also worked within the decorative arts, and designed unique objects for Georg Jensen.

(, Georg Jensen Silversmithy- 77 Artists, 75 Years)

Learn More about Anton Rosen and the Palace Hotel